Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a scientific approach, based on ‘cause and effect’ logical derivations. It enables any system deliver substantially more output than usual by placing efforts on the system constraint that is limiting the performance. As a corollary any efforts on non constraint elements of the system would be at best futile if not counter productive. That is why commonly known approaches deliver only limited incremental improvement.
Most simple example of TOC approach is to strengthen only the weakest link in a chain to increase the strength of the whole chain. Strengthening other links is not going to add any more strength. This sounds like common sense. Yet highly successful TOC applications indicate that people have not been applying common sense approach in business situations. Reason is INERTIA. Over time we pass on beliefs based on experience of limitations existing at that time. These beliefs continue even after the limitations no longer exist! Beliefs being extreme motivators, affect performance because limitation (or the weakest link) has changed. These beliefs are difficult to change unless these are carefully addresses by logical analysis. That is provided by the thinking tools developed by Dr Goldratt, who invented TOC, and others over past 20 years.
TOC is a holistic approach that focuses on establishing relationship between effort and the overall output of the system. If one is faced with capacity limitations, time limitations, cash limitation or responsiveness limitations, TOC application can provide speedy results. Performance could improve in weeks in a breakthrough way.